Thursday, June 30, 2005

Did you HEAR me?

The following conversation occurred at 1:00am last night. I had taken a nap earlier and so couldn't fall asleep, and John had just come to bed because he had been doing some computer thing (and to be honest I was a little annoyed about it). John had not yet fallen asleep, but he was definitely only half conscious.

Me: I can't sleep.
JJ: Did I hear you? (an inside joke; he's obviously still conscious at this point)
Me: Yes, you heard me. What am I supposed to do?
JJ: (long, long pause....) Do a whole bunch of pull-ups. That'll make you tired.
Me: I can't even do one pull-up! Besides, where am I going to do these pull-ups?
JJ: On a pull-up bar.
Me: We don't have one.
JJ: Should we get one?
Me: No!!!

He went on in his delusional rambling for a while until I finally saw the futility of having a conversation with him, and I miraculously fell asleep.


John R. said...


John R. said...


holli jo said...

Well...You don't know what you're like! You never stay on one topic for long, and mostly don't answer my questions...I guess it's not futile, because it is definitely FUNNY to talk to you when you're delirious!

John R. said...

Let it be known, however, that I AM very sincere when I'm delusional...